Eilleen Ingram-Willis

VLJ April 2023 Defender of Justice: Eilleen Ingram-Willis

VLJ April 2023 Defender of Justice: Eilleen Ingram-Willis

“If we want a beloved community, we must stand for justice.” – bell hooks

That quote from author, cultural critic, and professor bell hooks is an apt summary of one of VLJ’s many “whys” to our work. It acknowledges that “community” and “justice” must always go in the same sentence, hand in hand. This quote is not just philosophical at VLJ, it takes corporeal form and is embodied by our staff. Indeed, for VLJ’s April 2023 Defender of Justice, this quote encompasses the passion, commitment, and unwavering zeal for the communities we serve. It is then we honor, cheerlead, and champion our newest Defender of Justice, Eilleen Ingram-Willis.

With VLJ since November 2021, Eilleen is a managing attorney where she leads VLJ’s South Ward Promise Neighborhood (SWPN) and Human Trafficking Programs. Eilleen completed undergrad at the University of Pennsylvania, and she received her Juris Doctor from Rutgers Law School-Newark.