VLJ August 2023 Supporter of the Month: IOLTA NJ

For Volunteer Lawyers for Justice’s (VLJ) August 2023 Supporter of the Month, we spotlight the Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts Fund of the Bar of New Jersey (IOLTA NJ), a pivotal supporter of VLJ’s Divorce Program—a legal program that helps pro se litigants navigate the divorce process in New Jersey.

With a remarkable history of awarding grants totaling over $462 million to organizations across New Jersey, IOLTA NJ is a driving force behind the delivery of free legal services for New Jerseyans experiencing poverty who face unmet legal needs while improving the administration of justice.

IOLTA NJ's commitment to ensuring access to justice for people experiencing poverty resonates profoundly with VLJ's mission. As IOLTA NJ’s grants address essential needs like housing, income, education, immigration, and family law, they prioritize helping community members overcome barriers to justice. Through collaborative efforts, IOLTA NJ and VLJ make a tangible impact on people's lives, providing legal help that bridges the access to justice gap and empowers communities. This collaboration embodies the core belief that access to justice should be equitable and readily available, regardless of one’s ability to afford it. Through their dedicated support, IOLTA NJ is invaluable in helping VLJ provide access to justice for people experiencing poverty.

To our partners at IOLTA NJ, we thank you for your support and dedication to increasing access to justice, improving the administration of justice, and encouraging education about the law.