October 2022 Volunteer of the Month: Michelle Stegmann

Image is of Michelle Stegmann, Esq., VLJ's October 2022 Volunteer of the Month

Michelle Stegmann, Esq.

“In my view, the world is filled with love, but also with treachery. It is important—for those who can—to use love, kindness, and vigorous advocacy to support and assist those who are impacted by treachery.”

VLJ’s October 2022 Volunteer of the Month joined us just a couple years ago amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and her tenure as a volunteer supporting VLJ’s Trafficking Program has personified “Taking cases. Changing Lives.”

Michelle Stegmann, Esq. has built a career over the past three decades as an attorney and Insurance Claims Senior Vice President, with experience in various lines of business, including environmental, transportation, general liability, professional liability, surety, construction, construction defect, employer’s liability, asbestos and mass tort, crisis management, and E&O claims. Her responsibilities have encompassed attracting, developing and retaining talent, as well as achieving financial goals and sustaining profitability. She is currently with Crum & Forster, based in Morristown, NJ. 

Michelle received her Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies from the University of Massachusetts Amherst (Cum Laude) and her Juris Doctorate (Magna Cum Laude) from the Cardozo School of Law; she currently serves as a mentor to students at Cardozo, and is a faculty member with Cardozo’s Intensive Trial Advocacy Program.

Like many, the COVID-19 pandemic gave Michelle time to reflect and look at how she could further support her neighbors and community members. “During the pandemic, I was able to turn my attention to something that’s been a passion of mine: working towards counteracting the impact of human trafficking. I looked into organizations with which to volunteer, and discovered the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking (NJCAHT). I soon became a member of their Operating Council and Communications team.”

During one of NJCAHT’s Operating Council meetings, Michelle had the opportunity to hear our very own Jessica Kitson (VLJ’s Director of Legal Advocacy) speak of VLJ’s need for pro bono lawyers to assist with vacatur and expungement for trafficking survivors. Michelle was immediately sold on VLJ, and became a prominent volunteer on our Trafficking Program representing clients with various legal matters.

On one of her first cases, Michelle was able to obtain a dismissal of a long-standing bench warrant for a young mother of a 15-month-old child. This specific client had been trafficked by her high school boyfriend. The client left her trafficker after she gave birth to their child. In response, the trafficker tried to use the bench warrant as leverage to seek full custody. Dismissing the bench warrant allowed the client to keep the child under her care. Michelle finds helping survivors to be crucial and emphasizes, “In my view, the world is filled with love, but also with treachery. It is important—for those who can—to use love, kindness, and vigorous advocacy to support and assist those who are impacted by treachery.”

Michelle’s perspective and passion truly shines in her work and it is felt by our clients. When speaking on the importance of pro bono work, she states “There is nothing more gratifying than helping someone rebuild their life and move forward. It is incredibly rewarding knowing that, when you clear these records, it helps survivors to gain employment without having to worry about a background check.”

In addition to helping survivors directly, Michelle has created blogs for NJCAHT discussing various developments in human trafficking law, including the recent expansion of vacatur laws, largely led by VLJ. You can read Michelle’s blog post by clicking here. In June 2022, Michelle—partnering with VLJ, immigration lawyers and Rutgers faculty—organized a Continuing Legal Education course focusing on red flags attorneys can use to identify instances of trafficking. This CLE can be viewed on demand at the NJ State Bar Association’s website.

“I am very grateful to VLJ and everyone who is involved in this effort. I am honored and happy to be working with you all.”

VLJ is profoundly grateful to and for Michelle and her ongoing efforts, compassion, and high-caliber advocacy.