July 2020 Volunteer of the Month: Shaun Bean

Volunteer Lawyers for Justice (VLJ) is proud to feature Shaun Bean as its July Volunteer of the Month. Shaun is Assistant General Counsel at Panasonic Corporation of North America (“PNA”), where he handles a broad array of legal issues including dispute resolution, litigation management, and product safety matters.

Shaun is an active and dedicated volunteer of VLJ’s Veteran Legal Program. Shaun learned about the Veteran’s Wellness Clinic in in March 2017 , just a few months after its launch, and he immediately signed up to volunteer. Shaun attended his first clinic in April 2017 and never looked back; he has volunteered at nearly every clinic in which PNA has participated.

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Shaun shared that when it comes to the Veteran’s Wellness Clinic, “It is very satisfying to demonstrate to a veteran that legal matters aren’t so scary after all. It’s all about attaching a welcoming face and demeanor to a challenge that seems insurmountable. Each veteran put his or her life on the line for us and it is an honor to repay them for their courage and sacrifice.”

The COVID -19 Crisis has not stopped or diminished Shaun’s commitment to providing Pro Bono assistance to our veterans. He has volunteered for and participated in two of VLJ’s Virtual Veteran’s Wellness Clinic providing remote assistance to four veteran clients. 

While most of Shaun’s Pro Bono efforts are centered on VLJ’s Veteran Program, he has also provided pro bono representation through Seton Hall Law School’s Center for Social Justice legal clinic. Shaun believes that Pro bono work is essential to breaking down the barriers clients face, including the inability to access information or legal services. He noted that “Pro bono work is simply the right thing to do. Our communities desperately need the assistance and lawyers owe their own station in life to the communities that made it possible.”

Shaun had this to say about his experience with VLJ: “VLJ is a noble, well-run organization and I’m proud to partner with it, as are my colleagues at PNA.” Just as Shaun is proud to partner with VLJ, we are so proud of having a dedicated volunteer like him. We are grateful to Shaun and his continued dedication to VLJ and our clients over the years, and especially during the COVID -19 Crisis. He is truly deserving of this recognition.